Exploring Common JavaScript Interview Questions Encountered in MNCs

Mansi Sharma
3 min readAug 27, 2023


In today’s competitive job market, technical interviews have become an essential part of the hiring process, especially in multinational corporations (MNCs). For developers looking to land a job in a leading MNC, it’s crucial to be well-prepared for the interview, particularly when it comes to JavaScript, a widely-used programming language. This article delves into some of the common JavaScript interview questions frequently encountered in MNC interviews, offering insights into what candidates can expect and how they can prepare.

1. Explain Closures and their Use Cases:

JavaScript closures are a fundamental concept that often comes up in interviews. Candidates might be asked to explain what closures are, how they work, and provide real-world use cases to demonstrate their understanding. Being able to articulate how closures facilitate encapsulation and data privacy in JavaScript is crucial.

2. Hoisting:

The concept of hoisting involves the way JavaScript treats variable and function declarations during compilation. Interviewers often ask candidates to explain what hoisting is, how it impacts the code’s execution, and to provide examples of hoisting scenarios.

3. Asynchronous Programming:

Asynchronous programming is a crucial aspect of JavaScript due to its single-threaded nature. Interview questions related to asynchronous code execution, event loop, promises, async/await, and handling callback hell are common. MNC interviewers often assess a candidate’s ability to manage asynchronous code effectively.

4. Prototypal Inheritance:

JavaScript’s inheritance model is prototype-based, which might differ from other languages. Interviewers may inquire about prototypal inheritance, the prototype chain, and how to implement inheritance in JavaScript. Understanding how prototypes work is essential for candidates aiming to showcase their proficiency.

5. ES6 Features:

The ECMAScript 6 (ES6) standard introduced numerous enhancements to JavaScript. Interviewers may ask about new features like arrow functions, destructuring, spread/rest operators, template literals, and classes. Demonstrating familiarity with ES6 syntax and capabilities is a sign of an up-to-date developer.

6. Scoping and `this` Keyword:

The behavior of the `this` keyword and scoping rules in JavaScript can be confusing. Candidates might be questioned on different contexts in which `this` refers to different objects, such as in global scope, function scope, and arrow functions. Clear explanations of how `this` works demonstrate a solid understanding of JavaScript’s intricacies.

7. Event Handling:

Web development often involves working with events. Interviewers might inquire about event delegation, capturing vs. bubbling, and ways to handle events efficiently. Candidates could be asked to write code snippets demonstrating event handling techniques.

8. Memory Management and Garbage Collection:

Understanding how JavaScript manages memory and handles garbage collection is crucial for preventing memory leaks. Candidates could be asked about memory management best practices, identifying memory leaks, and discussing strategies to optimize memory usage.

9. Promises vs. Async/Await:

Since both promises and async/await are used to manage asynchronous operations, candidates might be asked to explain the differences between them. Interviewers may also present scenarios where one might be more suitable than the other, testing a candidate’s grasp of practical implementation.

10. Security Considerations:

MNCs emphasize security in their applications. Candidates might face questions about common security vulnerabilities in JavaScript applications, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). Being able to discuss preventive measures and secure coding practices is a valuable skill.


JavaScript interviews in multinational corporations (MNCs) often encompass a wide range of topics, from fundamental concepts like closures and prototypes to advanced topics like asynchronous programming and security considerations. A successful candidate should not only possess theoretical knowledge but also be able to demonstrate practical coding skills through examples and explanations. By thoroughly preparing for these common JavaScript interview questions, aspiring developers can increase their chances of impressing interviewers and securing a rewarding position in an MNC.



Mansi Sharma

Hi, I'm Mansi Sharma, B2B SaaS Front-End Developer with expertise in UX Prompt Design and DesignOps. https://lushaseex.com/4/6301786